In any finely-honed process, sooner or later one is faced with the choice of what is worthwhile to do oneself and what is not.

Outsourcing can be understood in different ways and take very different forms. Finding the right solution requires mutual understanding of what the goals of outsourcing are from the outset, and of future plans.

As an expert on working life and personnel solutions, we can provide our customers with either resources and expertise or take control of providing the end result ourselves. Our definition of outsourcing focuses on the latter.

The outsourced function can be performed either in the client´s offices or in one of Barona´s specialised customer service departments for tech support, sales or customer service. In both cases, our experience has shown us that a successful solution consists of four factors: brilliant personnel sourcing, controlling unit costs, streamlining work and cooperation, and excellent management and HR.

A tailored, full-service solution ensures that our client gets the most out of the service. Our transparent working methods ensure that you get what you pay for. There are different, result-based compensation models available, from transactional models to those based, for example, on quality or sales results.

We have solid experience in fully-outsourced processes where your business reaps the benefits of optimizing the personnel resource. Call our experts and let´s examine your options together.

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